Globalization And Humanity

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In today’s world, where we are all given more and more access to other cultures through social media, television, the internet, and easier travel has advanced globalization at an exponential rate. I think back to my high school days and remember the isolation I experienced. I grew up in Bosnia, and we didn’t have the access to the outside world that the youth in the United States enjoyed. I mean, my town seriously had one computer, and it was more of a communistic show piece than anything else. I see my children reaching out and maintaining relationships with not only my family, but with foreign exchange students they’ve met in school, or friends they’ve made while visiting their grandparents in Europe. This growth of globalization has also …show more content…

This is a bleak outlook, since no one wants to believe we are incapable of co-existing with other cultures without conflict. I like to think that although we have differences or different ideologies, the human race is capable of co-existing with other cultures. A recent article published by Steve Taylor Ph.D, How natural is war to human beings discussed the idea if we are inherently drawn to conflict. Taylor researched the human species progression to the conflict driven race we are today. It was interesting to learn that our conflicting nature, is relatively new in the scope of the human race’s existence. According to Taylor’s research, as a species our propensity for violence and conflict emerged around 6,000 years ago. Prior to that, there is very little evidence of inter-cultural violence or conflict. Perhaps, this is because earlier civilizations had limited exposure to other cultures? Taylor theorized that although we do show signs of aggression, the behavior is not innate to the human race, but rather the result of other external factors, such as population pressure, or a psychological change to certain human groups. I agree with Taylor, although we to display aggressive characteristics, the human race is not innately confrontational. One idea in regard to conflict, is that conflict is encouraged, or even created because of its …show more content…

A perfect example is the cost per week for the war in Afghanistan. Would you believe me if I told you that the United States pays $, billion dollars a week for the war in Afghanistan? If you would believe me, you would be wrong, because the actual cost is $2 billion per week! With those numbers can anyone argue that war and conflict are profitable? That $2 billion a week pays for food to feed the soldiers, equipment and supplies, purchasing weapons, vehicles, and of course providing money to Afghanistan to rebuild the damage caused by us. So, who is benefiting from

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