The Consequences Of Media Bias In The Mass Media

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Media bias is the bias or perceived bias of journalists and news producers within the mass media in the selection of events and stories that are reported and how they are covered. (political-science, 2016) Media bias refers to a widespread phenomenon that is opposite to the standard of journalism. It means that most journalists and news producers commonly report the events and news due to their preferences and personal perspectives, but not an individual one. Furthermore, the existence of the media bias is so common that it has involved a wild range of fields, such as Advertising Bias, Corporate Bias, Mainstream Bias, Sensationalism Bias and other types of bias. (political-science, 2016)
Advertising bias refers to the stories that are selected or slanted to please advertisers. (political-science, 2016)
Media workers selectively advertise the products for the advertisers, so there is a giant number of funds flowing to them. Therefore, most of the total revenue of the media is from advertising rather than subscription fees of the media services. For instance, media workers tend to effectively describe the advantages of the products to the readers as much as they can to attract more and more consumers’ attention and willingness of purchasing those products. Moreover, the characteristic of advertisement is affecting the extent of media bias. Esther Gal-or, a professor of Business Administration and Economics, stated “It is demonstrated that when advertising supplements