The Consequences Of The Mommy War

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The mommy wars there are currently a “mommy war” taking place in today’s society. While mothers themselves may not have instigated the fight, the world has brought upon a conflict between stay at home moms and paid, working moms by valuing equally work and parenting. Both sets of mothers use “ideological work” to clarify why they have selected their individual mothering role; they use cultural ideologies to cut what they do with what they believe. However, when breaking down the influence of each side, both groups claim they use the ideology of intensive mothering to encourage their decision to either stay at home or the work places. Employed mothers see the negative consequences of being a stay home mom. They feel that as if stays at home moms are limited to their homes and have little communication with other adults. Therefore they may not feel completely engaged and recognized by the larger social world. Also, working moms disagree that when mothers do not get a break from spending time with the kids all day, they do not have the occasions to use their adult minds, which can lead to lack of productiveness and motivation. Working moms do not want to get lost in the confined world of family. …show more content…

In their opinions, caregivers cannot give the same lifelong love that mothers give because they are not as devoted to the children. Working mothers, it is asserted, are putting their own self-interests before their children and not spending sufficient quality time with them. This lack of direction and love can lead to behavioral and emotional issues. Stay at home moms think they are using the ideology of intensive mothering because they are doing the bulk of the raising of their children. Their intensive mothering stems from the mere fact that they are present in their children’s