The Constant Failure In The Bunker Diary By Kevin Brooks

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The novel, The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks presents many themes. However, one theme that stands out is the constant failure established throughout the book. The story is in the perspective of a boy named Linus, who wakes up to find himself in a bunker with only the memory that he was kidnapped and brought there by ‘The Man Upstairs’. Linus investigates the bunker and notices six rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a lift, and grilles with microphones and cameras fixed in each room. One by one, Jenny, Anya, Bird, Fred, and Russell shows up in the same situation. The group of six works together to plan escapes and survive with the knowledge of catastrophic results. The six character’s desire to escapes and decisions demonstrates the theme that failures may lead to drastic changes in one or many lives. …show more content…

Everyone in the group distracts ‘The Man Upstairs’ by creating a fire, screaming, and poking the cameras, while Linus stays in the bathroom and hides inside bin liners. Fred comes in the bathroom and carries Linus in the bin liners to the lift. However, the man knows about the plan and chemically gassed everyone in the bunker unconscious. Linus writes about the aftermath, “They were unconscious for about three hours. I was out for nearly twelve… He came down and removed all of the food and drink from the kitchen” (130). Linus’s unsuccessful escape demonstrates a backfire to the entire group. This failure changes everyone’s physical and mental state, which shows that one failed plan can shatter