The Controversy Between Great Britain And The Anglo-American Revolutionary War

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The United States of America were formed from thirteen British Colonies. The Revolutionary War in 1776 was America’s declaration of independence but they were not completely recognized by all foreign powers. After America beat Great Britain there was tension and conflict between the two countries. This eventually resulted in war. Although there was no clear winner America did gain recognition from Great Britain and this war is often referred to as America’s second independence war. After the war controversy between the countries remained but never led to another war, all disagreements were solved diplomatically with the creation of treaties. The Anglo-American relationship was maturing and forming. This halted during the American Civil …show more content…

Great Britain had benefited greatly from the trade in their colonies and therefore when America became independent they still wanted control. In order to improve the American economy, hurt the economies of Great Britain and France and stay neutral in the Napoleonic Wars the Embargo Act was passed. This led to anger from Great Britain. This anger and Great Britain’s lack of respect for the American government led to an increase in impressment. Impressment is when a country take people forcefully into military service. Great Britain began boarding American merchant and military vessels as well as searching ports for any British citizen. Britain considered anyone born as a British subject to be British, they did not believe that you could be neutralized and become an American citizen. This was illegal but President Thomas Jefferson allowed it because he did not want to cause conflict with the British. Then there was an incident between the USS Chesapeake and the HMS Leopard. The British warship approached the American ship and after only one shot the Chesapeake surrendered and the Royal Navy searched the ship and took four soldiers. This caused much anger in America. Ultimately, four year later two of the Americans who were impressed were released but this did not alleviate the anger. Another point of conflict was regarding the Indians. The British had been supplying them