The Controversy Between Kenny O Donnell And Dave Powers

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Two Friends Sad Story:
Kenny O'Donnell and Dave Powers were riding in the car behind the Presidential limo in the Dealey Plaza motorcade. These two men were best friends with both Jack and Bobby Kennedy. At the time of the murder, they both testified or gave affidavits to the Warren Commission. Both of their statements were consistent. After the first shot, they heard two shots very close together and thought they came from the TSBD. So, this is what history would show and being friends, with both of them part of the White House staff, there seemed to be no controversy with their statements. Kenny O'Donnell was completely shaken by the President's death. In the movie “Thirteen Days”, Kenny O'Donnell was played by Kevin Costner – now …show more content…

We didn't use any of the theories out there because not once scenario can be proved. We only tried to provide verifiable information that shows what we were told was wrong – information was changed or suppressed that would be a game changer. One of the most compelling things is the fact that so many responsible people indicated that two shots were very close together – bang-bang. Also, the FBI telling Kenny O'Donnell to alter his testimony because it didn't fit with the conclusions they had already drawn. If this was done to Kenny O'Donnell, what testimony can we believe that has been put forth by the Warren …show more content…

Kennedy in one sentence, like Moses, bringing down the tablets of The Ten Commandments. “There is not one shred of credible evidence that shows that the basic findings of the Warren Commission were not correct. Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy and he acted alone and there was no conspiracy.”
There is another famous quote, which has recently received some notoriety. “At this point, what difference does it make?” To answer this in the most direct way. When you lie and take away our past – you do the same to our future.. Thanks for your consideration.
Our teacher, Mr. Otto Palmer, has promised to review our paper and the pictures. He will introduce his thoughts. To all who have read this report, please understand that it could be a thousand times longer, introducing all kinds of characters who played a possible part in the happenings of Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963. We hope this presentation will cause you to look deeper into our history and when presented with 'Phony Scandals” - that the only thing phony is to believe them outright. If we learn one thing from President Kennedy's murder is that we must be more informed about things – know our history and to get involved. It can not always be left to 'the other