The Controversy Of Making Mistakes

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Author Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “ Unless you try to do something beyond what you already mastered, you will never grow.” Most people are afraid of making mistakes so they stay in their comfort zone. I believe that this statement is true, because making mistakes is how you learn and improve, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to more friends and better experiences, and if you don’t try new things, you might miss out on something you love! The first reason I agree, is because making mistakes is how you learn and improve. No one is perfect and making mistakes help to make you better in the long run. For instance, I have learned from my mistakes many times. When I first started training my horse to barrel race, it was rough. I didn’t …show more content…

It may most likely lead to more new friends and great experiences.
For example, I was hesitant and uncomfortable about joining the FFA and the horse judging team. Since joining I have gained many, many new friends and have had wonderful experiences. I even gained a great role model and riding coach. I am very thankful I took the initiative and stepped out of my comfort zone. The last reason I agree, is if you don’t try new things, you may miss out on something you love! Many people are scared to try new things because they might fail or not like it, but you may excel and love it! One of my experiences is when I applied to be an FFA officer. It was a very new experience and I was scared to try it. Now I have been and officer for almost 5 months, and I love doing it! At first, I was afraid I would fail, but in reality we have a very successful and large officer team. In conclusion, Mr. Ralph Emerson’s quote, in my opinion has many truths to it. I agree with this quote 100%. A few of those truths are making mistakes is how you learn and improve, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to more friends and better experiences, and if you don’t try new things, you might miss out on something you