The Controversy Surrounding The Death Penalty Today

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The death penalty, or capital punishment, is one of the most controversial topics that is still debated about in America today. People question whether it is morally justifiable, or even if it is actually about justice itself. The more people question these things, the clearer it becomes in the long run. The death penalty is about justice, not revenge, as it allows for justice to be dealt to those who have committed unimaginable crimes. It begins to make us feel safer knowing that these heinous criminals have been put down. It is sad that in today’s society something like murder occurs as frequently as it does. The death penalty is here to help instill fear in anyone who is contemplating murder. It helps ensure that they will never get away with something as awful as murder or even worse mass murder. Morals should not be questioned if these individuals themselves lack their own morals. The harsh truth is that the death penalty is a necessary evil that must be kept in place in today’s society. It helps to ensure that people know what will happen to them …show more content…

The death penalty is not about revenge because “killing someone who has murdered another human being is not revenge, but justice” (Plahn). The death penalty is nothing more than a proof of justice that should be a curtain of night in the hearts of criminals. By doing these actions were these criminals end up killing someone they end up forfeiting their own right to live in the process. The death penalty shows that law enforcement is not afraid to end these evil human beings’ lives. Justice is reserved and achieved for the worst crimes committed. Capital punishment “allows justice to be done to those who have committed the worst crimes out there” (Jacoby). Justice is shown each time a murderer’s life is ended by the death penalty. It allows for some peace, no matter how small, to be brought back to victim’s