
The Correlation Between Violent Video Games And Justice Antonin

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Video games have been targeted again and again by a ton of people and groups: gun enthusiasts, feminists, religious people, parents, news media, and even the government of the United States. Video games are, in the words of President Donald Trump, “creating monsters!” The US government has always been one of the main enemies of the video game industry. Many laws have been proposed against the sale of violent video games; but in the court of law, judges would often find no reasonable correlation between violent video games and violent behavior. Most of the time laws sent to the Supreme Court were just too vague or a violation of the First Amendment. In the 2010 court case Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association, Justice Antonin …show more content…

For one, the game is insanely popular and recognizable by the masses; even though it was released back in 2013, the game still manages to hold a large player base. Its Steam player base alone reaches over 60,000 concurrent players on a daily basis. Two: the game has earned billions of dollars from its players and holds seven records in the Guinness World Records book. And three: it allows people to do and experience many cultural taboos. This attracts a lot of unwanted attention and blame to be pinned on this game. In the few incidents of carjacking and violent crime, the perpetrator uses GTA V as a scapegoat. Is it honestly unfair to demonize this series of games and the company behind it? "Oh, I'm out to shut down Rockstar, they're run by a bunch of sociopaths, and they're a one-company crime wave," says Thompson. “To him, these games are not entertainment, they are murder simulators.” (Weir). These are just a handful of cases among the millions of people who have bought and played these games in their spare time. Even the Vice President of the National Rifle Association says that violent video games are a form of pornography. “There exists in this country a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows violence against its own people,” claims Wayne LaPierre. The irony of the Vice President of the NRA saying this is that he is blaming real-world …show more content…

Every time there is another mass shooting media outlets do their job and report the findings to the public. But why is it only then that they give us more facts about the assailant in these cases rather than the victims? Psychiatrist Dr. Park Dietz and Charlie Brooker give an excellent perspective on news outlets perpetuation of mass shootings.
“I have repeatedly told CNN and our media if you don’t want to propagate more mass murders. Don’t start the story with sirens blaring. Don’t have photographs of the killer. Don't make this 24/7 coverage. Do everything you can not to make the body count the lead story. Do localize this story to the affected community and make it as boring as possible in every other market.”
Because it is a form of glorification and publicity. Anything to get more people to click on their websites or watch a news segment. The media's effect on mass shootings is far greater than that of any video

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