The Damascus Document Essay

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The Damascus Document involves two sections, exhortation and statues. Written by “the Guardian” the exhortation functions as an explanation for why the community should remain faithful, with attention given to God’s retribution for being unfaithful (Vermes, 128). The verse, (Vermes 132, lines 12-18) interprets Isaiah as detailing the punishment of the “seekers of smooth things,” in their failure to uphold the Covenant, as seen by the presence of a prophetic end times narrative, three nets metaphor, and separation of the Qumran community from the priests of Jerusalem. In the context of the Damascus document, the verse predicts their punishment, with the document expanding upon their exact failings and God’s historical pattern of rewarding the faithful and punishing those that break the Covenant. …show more content…

Illustrating this vision with things such as, “Belial shall be unleashed.” Belial, as an evil presence, typically standing in direct contrast with God, figures within this vision. The connection between Belial and the those that do not abide by the covenant is a revealing association. Firstly, it functions as a punishment, with Belial being, “unleashed” on the world. Secondly, it ties the enemies of the Qumran community to this demonic figure for their resistance to what Qumran would see as improper practice. Furthermore, the interpretation, “...these are the three nets of Belial with which Levi son of Jacob said that he catches Israel (Vermes, 132 lines 16-17),” asserts that it is Belial and his three nets that have snared the priests of Jerusalem, further connecting Belial to their