
The Danger Of A Single Story By Adichie Analysis

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The culture we live in today applies a lifestyle where we forbid ourselves to feel anything from anyone and even suppress our emotions in order to stray away from rejection. In this collection of videos and writing pieces, they all possess the ways you should live your life in which, if accomplished, will lead you to happiness. Each documented piece recollects the ability to feel shame and give the simplest rules to make your life easier where it accredits social anxiety and fear as the things that prevent you from your own success. The ideals and beliefs introduced in the pieces are complex but immaculate which is why they are used as a way to live life. For example, Brene Brown emphasizes the importance of being able to acknowledge your …show more content…

However, she noticed a correlation between how she saw poor families and how Americans saw Africans in which they both had this stereotype ingrained in their heads that categorized people of a certain lifestyle. The message she tries to get across is that the stories that are told shouldn’t blind us from reality but only wake us up from the discomfort that reality holds against us. We as a society are uncomfortable when talking about the harder parts of life that we, fortunately, do not go through because we feel too much guilt that we apologize for things we can’t control but rather than apologizing we need to learn to fix the mistakes that plague our society. It’s the notion that we have let our minds be consumed by outlets such as Fox News and the views of people like Piers Morgan in which they fixate on this 18th-century notion that you are born into your place in society citing that you cannot deliberately change the course of your own future. Adichie’s message is that we need to change the notion that we can’t change, that we are capable of changing a future that was built by ancient politicians and primitive ideals. Through this, we have to be able to recognize our mistakes and accept our fears of being the mistake while also staying strong enough to fix it. In Three Ways to Master any New Skill, both Tartakosvsky and Sterner emphasize the benefits in the process of achieving your goal citing that focusing on the finished clouds your learning process and causes you to become more critical of every aspect to the point that you forget what the entire point of this goal. They focus on three imperative rules: to focus on the process, not the product, to adjust your perspective, and to practice DOC. However, what we don’t realize is that our goal to be perfect ends up

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