The Dichotomy In The Fellowship Of The Ring Sam's Hobbit

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When Tolkien writes, “‘But oft the unbidden guest proves the best company’” (Tolkien 150) it reminds one of Sam, who is an unbidden guest on Frodo’s journey in The Fellowship of the Ring. However, Frodo clearly is glad in the end to have Sam along. The Fellowship of the Ring is about a few hobbits that set out on a journey, and while going through many hardship and difficulties learn much about the world. In The Two Towers, Tolkien creates Sam Gamgee as a dynamic character, altering him from a loyal servant to a helpful friend, a reclusive hobbit to a courageous and audacious adventurer, and from a follower to a leader. Going through a difficult experience with Frodo results in Sam becoming a helpful friend. At first, Sam acts as more

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