The Didache Essay

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The Didache is a nine-hundred and fifty year old, two hundred page manuscript, short for The Teachings of The Twelve, and was the most important document in medieval times, but why is this book important now? It is an in-depth novel about two ways; the way of life, and the way of death. The way of life tells us how to live for God, such as respecting your neighbors, loving your enemies, etcetera. The way of death is a life without the presence of God being with them, such as murder, adultery, thieving, and the like. This book shows us what the correct way to live actually is, and is a shorter than how the Bible puts it. What exactly is the way of life? More importantly why do we need to know about it? The way of life is a life centered around …show more content…

The path of destruction is the practice of murder, adultery, abortion, thieving, false witnessing, and the like. Things like this are the things that Christians should stay away from. These evils of the world are things that distract us from the way of life. Those things are a slippery slope into disobedience, evil, and lying to every person you have met. Staying away from the way of death is the most difficult thing to ever be on this earth. Steering clear from lusts of the world is the most difficult thing to do. How do we stay distant from the way of death and stay on the way of life? The answer is, we are not able to. But this book taught people what to do, even though it is the most difficult thing to ever accomplish for a human. As humans, this world will never be perfect. Why is The Didache written if the people of the world could never reach those standards? It is the model of Jesus that is the way of life and that people walked in the way of death. When He was on earth the first time, He saw the way of death and God used Him to cleanse the world to destroy the path of death, forever. Yet it is still not gone forever, it will always be here, but all of the people of the world’s evil deeds have been

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