Analysis Of Live Beyond The Curse By Pastor Ludie Lynch Jr.

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Live Beyond the Curse, Pastor Ludie Lynch Jr. Tells Readers through Book

The Texan church leader pens a powerful spiritual guide for believers to live in God’s blessings.

Apostle Ludie Lynch Jr. does what Christian preachers should do: preach to God’s flock the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. The act, which is His ultimate sacrifice to redeem mankind from sin, is the subject of his book titled Beyond the Curse (Xlibris, 2009).

Beyond the Curse stands as an uplifting exposition of the surrender and self-sacrifice of Christ. This compelling book issues a timely call to action that every Christian should heed: walk on God’s path and live beyond the curse.

The focus of the author’s teaching and reflection is Galatians 3:13-14, which