
The Directed Reading Exercise: Postcoital Contraception Or Abortion

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The Directed Reading Exercise: Postcoital Contraception or Abortion is a story about a 27 year old woman, Daniela Sackler. Daniela Sackler is married with one child and was in the process of conceiving her second child. Her and her husband planned their schedules to accommodate for raising two children. Daniela Sackler and her husband were both graduate students. Daniela Sackler was studying sociology. As a part of her studies she conducted research interviews with her subjects. On a Tuesday, Daniela decided to conduct her research interview at the home of research subject. During this interview Daniela was raped. After the altercation Daniela went to the hospital. The hospital staff conducted their examination and asked Daniela if she wanted to take a morning after pill just in case she was pregnant with the rapist’s child. …show more content…

Sackler is free to make any decision that she wants being that it is her body. She should consider thoroughly think about her decision before making it. According to Gert’s evaluation process, if she chooses to take the morning after pill should would be breaking two of his moral rules. The two moral rules that she would be breaking by taking the morning after pill would be the do not kill rule and the do not break your promise rule. This is breaking the do not kill moral rule because she is potentially killing a baby. She would be breaking the do not break your promise moral rule because if she takes the morning after pill she could be potentially aborting her husband’s baby. She would be breaking the promise of giving her husband a second child. I feel like she promised him a second child because they both decided to change their schedules to accommodate for taking care of two children. I feel that if she decided to take the morning after pill the public would say that her decision would be strongly justified, therefor, her decision would be

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