The Effects Of Poison Hemlock On Livestock

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There are many plants that are poisonous and or toxic to livestock. The Poison Hemlock affects cattle, horses, sheep and goats. The poison hemlock has white flowers that grow on it. Hemlock seeds also pose a threat to livestock. This weed can be found in waste areas road sides and dry ditches ("Common Weeds Poisonous to Grazing Livestock"). Symptoms can occur within an hour after ingestion some symptoms can be nervousness, trembling, pain, dilated pupils, weekend and or slow heartbeat, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting and much more (Hamilton, George W., and James R Mitchell 4). . All it takes is 5 to 10 g/kg body weight can be lethal. Treatments include administration of stimulants and large doses of mineral oil to save an animal that has not ingested large amounts of the Poison hemlock. (Majak, Walter, Barbara M. Brooke, and Robert T. Ogilvie 52) …show more content…

Marsh Arrow-Grass is similar to seaside arrow grass. This weed has pointed leaves and usually grows to up to 60cm tall and has flowers that grow on it, the seeds pods are slender. Usually found in Marshes and alkaline soils. If an animal weighing 500–kg consumed about 3.5-kg of fresh arrow grass it could become lethal. Poisoning generally occurs too rapidly for treatment under pasture or range conditions. Injection of sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate may be used to treat the poisoning of the weed. Symptoms very in cattle from convulsions, death, nervousness, recumbency and salvation. (Majak, Walter, Barbara M. Brooke, and Robert T. Ogilvie