The Effects Of Spotlighting The Issues On Animal Welfare

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On June 28, 2017, through the Netflix, online streaming site for TV series and movies, released a fascinating movie. Spotlighting the issues on animal welfare, the movie Okja moved people to tears. Okja is a genetically engineered pig by an agrochemical company as an experiment to produce more delicious pork with just one pig. A great deal of people who watched Okja comment that the movie changed their points of view on meat consumption. In 2014, about 315 million tonnes of meat were produced, which can divided into 43.4kg per person. But, some people do not consume meat at all so it leaves some of us consuming more that that. From 1970 to 2008, beef production doubled, poultry got sixfold, and pork has tripled. According to the United Nations, …show more content…

The, our waste is diluted with tonnes of water and passes further purification. This process happens to the animals too. For example, one pig excretes 3.6kg to 4.3kg a day. Those wastes are moved to manure pits or larger pits called lagoons. There are two mega problems in this process. First, there are millions of pigs in this planet and not only pigs either. Second, the wastes just sit there, emitting gases. Some farmers use these for manures but they are small parts of the wastes. You definitely have passed animal farms and definitely have had a moment with foul odors. The smell is generated by gases from the pits, which are methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and other volatile organic compounds. Although it appears non-threatening, it is related to chronic lung disorders, like asthma and bronchitis, plus with headaches, dizziness, hypertension and depression. The gases from the pits are mostly greenhouse gas, which accelerate global warming. If cattle were able to make their own nation, it would be the 3rd most greenhouse gas emitter. It is difficult to treat animal wastes like human wastes, purifying till recyclable. The good news is that the companies producing meat are trying to invent a system to reduce damages. However, it costs a lot of money. Those big companies are likely to invest money on more farms, animals and land rather than on a cleaning …show more content…

Reducing meat consumption is the superior key. We are over consuming meat and by reducing this, the problems can be solved. If following the guidelines on meat consumption, premature deaths of 5 million people can be avoided. With a vegetarian diet, 7 millions. Switching to vegetarian diets are beneficial in many ways. It can save the planet and it is also good for your health. It is a well known fact that consuming too much processed red meat increase the possibility of diseases. But, the vegetarian diet decreases chances of developing illnesses, such as heart diseases, diabetes and certain cancer. Balanced vegetarian diet controls sugar level, which is essential to diabetic