The Electric Car: Advantages And Cons Of Electric Cars

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A fact for any electric vehicle is that it is dependent on the battery, which drives it, just as a petrole-um based car is dependent on its engine and fuel. The battery is, of course, what leads to the bene-fits of the electric car, like the fact that the car itself emits no CO2. But it also has some drawbacks when compared to a petroleum based car. Refuelling a petroleum based car is a simple process, simply pour petrol into the tank, it takes about ten minutes and then one can drive on. An electric car on the other hand needs to have its battery recharged with electricity, and as anyone who has ever recharged a battery at any size can attest that this is not an instant process. Effort is being poured into optimising this charging process but the fact is that with current technologies, it takes longer than fuelling a petroleum car. Estimates of how long, vary wildly depending on the battery, the source and charging methods but the general charging time seems to be between 4-8 hours1,2. While some charging estimates go as low as twenty minutes2 this is usually at the expense of the battery’s long term stability or something similar that would make it unfeasible for everyday use. The fact that recharging an electronic car is a process measured in hours means that the average consumer will be far more dependent on the range of a single charge. This effective range varies based on the size of the battery and which type of battery it is. As this range is directly dependant

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