The Endocrine System

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The Endocrine system is important to maintain the balance between our bodies organs, organ systems and the body; the endocrine system controls hormone production and distribution of hormones (Lurie, n.d). Cancer of any of these glands can result in the cancer producing hormones that can interfere with normal body function (Lurie, n.d). Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of malignant cells. Endocrine cancer can happen on any of the organs of the system and is more likely to affect women (Dr. Jemal, 2009). In the United States there is an estimated amount of 27,650 cases of endocrine cancer per year (A. Jemal, 2005). The glands associated with the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pineal, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, reproductive …show more content…

Figure 1 shows the number of childhood Adrenocortical Carcinoma cases between males and females in a hospital in 2006. This supports the fact that females are more prone to get this form of adrenal cancer. In Figure 2 the Kidney and Adrenal glands are shown. The tumor grows on the outside of the Adrenal cortex between the fat layer and gland. The main function of the kidney is to filter waste from the blood, so the placement of the Adrenal glands lets the hormones it creates be released quickly into the …show more content…

This oral drug comes from cotton seeds (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2014). Gossypol Acetic Acid has been found to inhibit malignant cells growth and DNA replication (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2014). This occurred in people with metastatic, recurrent, and primary Adrenocortical Carcinoma (Menefee, 2014). The patients who responded partially had a thirty percent decrease in the size of targeted tumors; those who responded fully had disappearance of targeted tumors and cancer markers in their blood (Menefee, 2014). This treatment could help those suffering from Adrenocortical Carcinoma go into complete remission. Those suffering with genetic disorders that causes tumor growth could get this treatment to protect themselves from future adrenal gland