Global Warming Argument Essay

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Imagine if the next generation of children lived in a world without ice in the arctic. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. Arctic ice has been around for thousands of years, and it is just now beginning to disappear, it is expected to be completely gone by 2040. This is just one of the numerous environmental effects that global warming has on our planet. Global warming is a serious issue that humans today must face. It negatively affects every single living thing on this Earth. It is not a hoax, or something that can be set aside, as some people believe. It is paramount that efforts are made now to stop global warming before it is too late. What is global warming? By definition global warming is a gradual increase in the overall …show more content…

Things like industrialization, deforestation, burning fossil fuels, and electricity use all contribute to the increase in the Earth’s overall temperature. Industrialization is a big contributor to global warming. Industrialization is the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale, and it makes more and more of these human uses possible(“Industrialization”). When more human activity is happens because of industrialization, a larger abundance of greenhouse gases is emitted, trapping heat into the Earth. Fossil Fuels are human’s main source of electricity. The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases like water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide, which all contribute to the greenhouse gas effect. Another contributor, like deforestation is becoming progressively common. With a rapidly growing population, deforestation is a risky, highly practiced method. When trees are cut down, they release the carbon dioxide they have been storing into the atmosphere. Deforestation also decreases the amount of trees that are able to absorb carbon dioxide emissions(Scheer). All of these human practices cause greenhouse gases to collect in the atmosphere, which results in Earth’s overall temperature to rise. This unnatural increase in the Earth’s temperature leads to numerous severe consequences for the planet, humans, and all other living organisms as