In 1980 when Ronald Reagan became the president for the first time that a president was able to put some kind of regulations on the agencies. President Reagan cut the agency budget in an effort to force both agencies to lay-off staff members and limit their activities. For a short time, due to this executive order and the 12291 Executive Order, new regulations declined sharply. This was the first time that any president was able to put any kind of regulations and control of the agencies.
The National Aeronautics and Space Act provides authority for Reimbursable, Non-reimbursable, and Funded Agreements. These Agreements are differentiated by underlying principles, to ensure that each type of Agreement is effectively utilized and strategically managed. NASA`s organic statute, the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 grants NASA broad discretion in the performance of its functions. Specifically, the Space Act authorizes the NASA Administrator "to enter into and perform such contracts, leases, cooperative agreements, or other transactions as may be necessary in the conduct of its work and on such terms as it may deem appropriate, with any agency or instrumentality of the United States, or with any State, Territory, or possession,
Since the day President Nixon enacted the National Environmental Policy Act, major advances changed the environmental area. On December of 1970, Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Before EPA, there was no central authority, but now the protection of the environment is strong.
The EPA’s environmental statutes did not have an internal regulation of the administration that describe the long-term goals of the CAA. Meaning that the EPA needed to establish several strategic plan that will emphasiz the goals of the CAA, such as trying to accommodating progress in reducing air pollution with economic growth. In addition, goals that mention on figuring out which plants are designed to maintain clean air. Since the EPA’s manual did not “give fuller effect to the foregoing,” it gives the impression that modifying regulations is not an easy task (Dimock,1980). The EPA decisions on how to use their carbon dioxide emissions did not satisfied the states and the industries and this implies that their use of rules on carbon dioxide emissions needs improvements for the future of the public
The EPA was created by an executive order from President Nixon in 1970. In this time, “the EPA has endeavored to achieve systematic control and abatement of pollution, by administering a variety of research, monitoring, standard-setting, and
Essentially, EPCA’s goals were to “ increase energy production and supply, reduce energy demand, provide energy efficiency, and give the executive branch additional powers to respond to disruptions in energy supply,” (Energy Policy and Conservation Act 1). This act also created the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products, and Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations, further insuring that the United States would not endure another energy crisis (EPCA 1). The Environmental Protection and Conservation Act allows the president to “restrict exports of coal, petroleum products, natural gas, or petrochemical feedstocks, and supplies of materials or equipment for exploration, production, refining, or transportation of energy supplies,” (EPCA 1). EPCA was impactful on many aspects of American culture. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve allows the president to distribute emergency crude oil in potential energy catastrophe.
The Clear Air Act of 1970 gave the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the ability to regulate motor vehicle pollution. As a result, the EPA has been implementing regulatory and control policies to reduce pollution ever since [4]. The car industry has been forced to respond to the regulations imposed by the EPA with different solutions to reduce emissions. In 1975, the first-generation catalytic converters were introduced as a response to the Clean Air Act of 1970. The catalytic converters decreased the emissions of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide of the vehicles made after 1975 and have since been improved to [5].
The Clean Water Act was first introduced in 1948 as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, but in 1972 it was restructured and expanded. Since they began, the EPA has created wastewater standards for companies that create contaminants. In order to help regulate these discharges of pollutants, the EPA 's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System created a permit
The first major law created was the National Environmental Policies Act in 1969. This law required federal agencies to look at, and report problems within the environment impacted by human development of land, and use of resources. The problems are than reported to the public allowing for informed decisions on what environmental consequences there might be for project development. Next, came the National Forest Management Act created in 1976 that developed the idea that forests would be managed based on the land use plans of the area of the forest while also developing forest diversity, and diversity of wildlife in them. In 1973 the Endangered Species Act was created.
Since then, lots of bills and regulations are enacted to protect public’s environmental benefits. Environment movement promoted government’s regulation on hazardous wastes. In 1886, Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act passed by the 99th United States Congress encouraged emergency planning efforts at the state and local levels, and provides the public and local governments with information concerning potential chemical hazards present in their communities. In 1992, the congressman John Lewis and Albert Gore submitted their draft of “Environmental Justice Act” to the Congress. In 1994, president Clinton signed Executive Order 12898, that is “federal actions to address environmental justice in the minority populations and low-income populations”, into law.
In 1970, United States Congress passed a stronger Clean Air Act as well as the Environmental Protection Agency to carry out the laws and to do the research on air pollution. Under the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection
The protection of environment is crucial to the wellbeing of this planet. The job of government is to protect and preserve the land on which its people live. However, there is a bill being considered that completely goes against this, one that calls for the eradication of the Environmental Protection Agency, a government program created to protect human and environmental wellbeing through their regulation of laws. I urge you to oppose bill H.R. 861 - the termination of the Environmental Protection Agency - because of the ways that the EPA protects air, water, and land.
It required the Environmental Protection Agency to develop and enforce regulations to protect the public potent air quality which could be hazardous to human health. The Clean Water act established a basic structure for regulating pollution which is discharged into the waters of states in the United States. This act also Gave EPA the authority to implement pollution control programs. As a result of the “Silent Spring,” federal legislations were passed as a call to action to change the habits of humans before we destroy the thing that gives us all
This landmark symposium made the introduction of the federal government involvement in environmental regulation. In 1955 congress passed its first environmental legislation which was upheld and supported strongly by the public and improved science. After this huge merge the United States environmental protection Agency and the effective public policy toward the environmental were instituted. (Usepa,
Some examples include; the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and many others. Although Nixon was conservative, higher regulation of business in many areas came from popular demand and the work of activists like Ralph Nader. Nixon may not have liked to “stifle” the market, but public demand and approval was still seen as necessary and could influence what happened in Washington. New regulations were seen by conservative Lewis Powell (who went on to become a Supreme Court Justice) as detrimental to the interests of business and representative of a societal trend toward socialism/communism. Powell, in 1971, released what is now called the “Powell Memorandum”, a document which had a profound impact on the course of politics and economics in the United States.