The Fall Of The Romanovs Essay

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From fame and glory to the sad reality of a revolution. A tale which is lesser known of this ruling family. These accounts bare witness to the tragic decline of the last Tsar’s reign. Once classified information, has become translated in its entirety. A book containing personal insight on the royal family of Russia through telegrams, documents, and diary entries. The book The Fall of the Romanovs by Mark D. Steinberg and Vladimir M. Khrustalëv, sheds a new light on the Royal Family during the time of the Revolution and their eventual deaths. Mark D. Steinberg is the co author of The Fall of the Romanovs. Steinberg specializes in both the history of Russia and the Soviet Union. His education included attending the University of California, …show more content…

Nicholas II was the heir to the Russian thrown. His father influenced his view with in politics. Nicholas enjoyed school, but found history and foriegn languages more important of economics. Nicholas’s father neglected to teach him to rule a country. The way Nicholas II was brought up shaped his political ideology while forming opions on a moral high ground. His personal values and religious believes also proved to be a problem for himself (Steinberg and Khrustalëv 5). Nicholas was in listed to join the army when he was only 19. Nicholas enjoys the honor that comes along with joining the Russian Army (Steinberg and Khrustalëv …show more content…

As a child growing up I remember my sister making me watch a cartoon movie about Anastasia. At a young age I had become intrigued by the tale of the Romanovs. With in my life time they have discovered the bodies of all of the Romanovs’s children. This book furthered my child like sense of understanding and broadened it. This book filled in all that confusing parts of the Russian Revolution and the decline of the Tsar. In all I liked that the authors decided to include real pictures and letters written during the decline of the