
The Father Of Memory In The Novel's 'The Giver'

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Outline Imagine being chosen a job for a lifetime, but this job had a lot of pain, and loneliness. Well that what it was like for Jonas. Which makes Jonas being selected to be the receiver of memory is more like a punishment than an honor. Jonas has to deal with the pain that comes from the memories. He is missing out on things others can do. Jonas knows things and he can't tell anyone about them. Jonas has to deal with the pain that comes from the memories. According to the novel “The Giver”on page 104 it says, “Limping, Jonas walked home, pushing his bicycle , the evening. The sunburn pain had been so small, in comparison, and had not stayed with him. But this ache lingered.”This demonstrates that after the memory of the ice scraping his leg ended, the pain stayed in his leg even …show more content…

For instanced in the novel on page 145 it says , “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.” Not to mention Jonas hasthe most “honored” assignment in the committee, he has to do it all alone with no help because no one else has to memories like he does, and no one else is old enough to become another receiver. Additionally, in the novel it also says, “So if I have a spouse, and maybe children , I will have to hide the books from them?” pg. 97 Moreover, when he gets a spouse and able to get children, he will not able to tell them about the books in the annex because of the rules, plus he won't be able to share his feelings at the dinner table.It’s easy to think that since some people might say this, “Very frightening. I can’t even imagine it. We really have to protect people from wrong choices.” pg. 93 But when you look at the facts, his job was to hold memories to protect the people from choosing wrong, but it stops him from living like the others do. He has to hide things, and lie when he knows the truth because they can't handle the

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