
The Five Titles Of Jesus In The New Testament

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New Testament reflection
According to the New Testament, Jesus was referred to using various names or titles which include Emmanuel, Christ, The Word, the Lamb of God and Jesus. The role of Jesus is an essential aspect as far as the life and mission of Jesus are concerned as well as the way Jesus character is influencing believers (Willmington, 2017b). There are various impacts the life of Jesus has in the Christian life as well as many factors that led to the spread of Christianity to all corners of the world. It is significant after learning about the life of Jesus to consider the Significance of Johannine Literature that explains in details about the works of the New Testament. This paper, therefore, seeks to discuss the five titles of Jesus, …show more content…

The title Jesus was used by John the Baptist to refer to Jesus and meant that Jesus came to save people from sins. As a believer, I have the responsibility of seeking the kingdom of God for the forgiveness of sins has Jesus simply came to save the human being from the burden of sins which is prohibiting people from reaching the kingdom of God.
The second title that greatly impacted on me is the Lamb of God. This title seems to hold more about Jesus when it comes to the kingdom of God as it has refers to Jesus as the Lamb of God which means that Jesus is the Light of God. According to Muralha (2015), Jesus means that as a believer your life is lit with the mighty light of God and that everything you do or every situation that comes in your way as a believer that might seem to be complicated and full of darkness, Jesus as the Lamb of God will light-up your ways.
Factors that led to the expansion of the early …show more content…

These works are significant to believers as they explain in details about the life of Jesus and His mission of saving Human being and the rewards that await true believers of Jesus. The works further explain the sweetness of trusting and believing in God as a Christian. The works have led to spread of the gospel around the world and have won many souls to the kingdom of God.
In conclusion, it is evident that Jesus according to the Bible is the son of God sent to save the humankind from the slavery of sins. Jesus had a mission that He had to fulfill, and according to the Bible, Jesus came out successfully in His mission. The mission and life of Jesus had been previously prophesied by various prophets among them is John the Baptist and Isaiah. Jesus has been given different titles in the bible that were used to describe Him and His mission. The Romans were the first people in the history of the Bible that led the spreading of the gospel to people around the world. They had an advantage as they had the intentions of spreading the gospel as compared to other religions. It is evident that the Romans came out successful in spreading the gospel as at the moment the gospel of Jesus has spread to all corners of the world and many people have accepted Jesus as the save of their

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