The Four Tokens: A Short Story

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The Four Tokens By: Kara Meissner My day started off as a normal day. I was listening to my “Contemporary Music of Rome” in my brand new, squeaky clean truck. I had no idea what was going to go down in the future. On March 14, I was in class sneaking olives. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a bad kid, I just get hungry sometimes. “Sssully!” the teacher snapped, “What on Earth are you doing? I hereby put a curssse on you!” Seriously? What kind of teacher is this? I am eating off of Athena’s olive tree. Athena should be respected. I should be able to eat them. “Ugh, fine,” I moaned, “I’ll go put them in my locker, Ms. Hide.” “Hi, Shortcake.” I turned around. Sure enough, it was Hebra, the goddess of youth… or as I say, goddess of bad grades. …show more content…

“What are you doing?” I scowled, “Can you please tell what’s going on!?” Soon after she replied, “You are the son of Hercules, Hyllus.” This was officially the strangest day of my life. I thought the first time a girl would be in my truck, was if I were driving. “Who are you calling that name?!” I said angrily. Then I thought about what she said. “I am not the son of Hercules!” Immediately, she turned her head in shock. Then she started to explain how my name is just flipped around. “Hebe? You’re kind of freaking me out,” I managed to say. After I told her that, she said the stupidest thing ever, “Good! That’s my plan. You should NEVER be confident. You need to be alert at all times.” I don’t know why, but I believed every word she spoke. The only thing I couldn’t understand, was how bad she drove. She should be better especially for 17 years of age. Something happened that was so scary right after our talk about confidence. We started driving into the lake! “HEBRA! WHAT ARE YOU