The Fundamental Things We Aren T Teaching Our Kids By Richard Weissbourd

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Do student always have to be absorbed with themselves? What about what others feel? Some schools have already undertaken the change to require students to do some sort of community service activity to graduate. I believe that all schools should require the students to partake in some sort of community service in order to graduate. Requiring students to perform an act of community service would promote responsibility. Dr. Ali Al Nuaimi, Director-General of the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) said: “It seeks to develop a spirit of proactive and positive interaction and responsibility, and encourage a love of learning, creativity, innovation, and ambition in students.” When I was a kid my parents always taught me the power of kindness, today kids just prance around and do whatever they want without a single thought of anyone else. When kids take time out of their own selfish days, they learn to manage their time wisely and be more responsible. Kids also learn how to prioritize and what hard work is. …show more content…

In the real world, many people have to work hard for what they want. This community service experience would help all the kids ease into their jobs when they get one. The article, The Fundamental Things We Aren't Teaching Our Kids, written by Richard Weissbourd and Howard Gardner, states “for decades we have neglected to do something fundamental for any healthy society.” Studies show that more kids agreed with this statement: “My parents are prouder if I get good grades in my classes that if I am a caring community member in class and school.” Kids will have to learn how to work and how to work hard which will prepare them for a