The Gender Knot Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy Analysis

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In his essay “Why do we make so much of gender?” an excerpt from his 1997 book, The Gender Knot: Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy, Allan G Johnson argues about patriarchy and the differences both between men and women. He first argues about how important roles are to reproduction, “the roles are crucial to human life “(546). Next he goes to argue about patriarchy, the idea of a male-identified society (547). Third he argues that men are defined more by their manhood then adulthood (548). He then argues about heroism saying “men are no more heroic than women” (549). Lastly, he argues about our human qualities and how we lock ourselves in a web of lies by going with our qualities set by gender instead of doing differently (549). I strongly agree with Johnson because I have encountered examples that he mentions in this text in my own life. Men and women are extremely different in this world. I have experiences from …show more content…

We lock our self in a “web of lies” whose main consequence is to keep patriarchy going (549). So many females depend on fathers to do so many big events but need to stop relying on this because women are just as equal to men and play their roles, many mothers have to already. He brings up the different “human qualities” both men and women have (549). Men are entitled to do manly duties and women must do the homework, cooking, and taking care of the children. It should not be like this in my opinion. Women and men are able to set things equal. Just because you are one or the other does not decide what you can and cannot do. I often think everyone depends so much on women to watch and take care of the children, cook, and clean that sometimes one being overly used. Men should help women. Women should help men. We may be labeled with a different name but we do not have to be labeled by different qualities when either gender can accomplish the