The Giver Movie And Book Comparison

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When a movie is made from a book, there will usually be many changes to it. For instance, in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, the color of Annabeth's hair turns from a dirty blond to brown. Similarly, in the science fiction novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, both the book and movie adaptation have many similarities and stark differences in the setting, characters, and the theme of the importance of memories.

One major component of the book and the movie is the setting. One similarity is that they both portray a hueless and dystopic society from the lack of emotions to the changing of Fiona’s hair color. “And Fiona’s hair.”(93). Although that is an important similarity, a difference is that the movie shows the society as very futuristic, from the holograms to the shape of the bike wheels while the book is more relatable to our society. The producer might have done this to give the movie a science fiction tone. …show more content…

One similarity is Jonas’ longing for his childhood. As stated in the book, “He wanted his childhood again.”(121) and in the movie, Jonas walked past a group of kids playing and looked at them yearningly, which shows an important question of the human condition as it is battle of knowledge vs ignorance. A difference is his reaction to his most painful memory of war. In the book, the author stated that “Jonas did not want to go back to receive memories, but he still went there”. In the movie however, he tries to completely abandon his training and go back to having an ignorant life. The producer did this to create drama and suspense for the