The Giver's Community In Haiti In Crisis, By Lois Lowry

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“Choose a life format that is the most desirable to you”(Redhead). In The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, their community is a utopia that provides them many resources including food, families, education, clothes, jobs, and many other helpful items. In their community, there are rules to follow, and if they disobey them, then they are to be released. In the article “Haiti in Crisis” by Bryan Brown and Patricia Smith, the community is destroyed by Hurricane Matthew, which sends many families to live in caves because their homes are gone. They suffer without food, purified water, everyday needs, and everything they lost in the hurricane. From these ideas stated about both stories, the final conclusion is that The Giver’s community is a more desirable place to live in. To make life desirable, happiness and helping others has to be present. In The Giver the utopia contains people that have necessities for thriving and have kindness (Lowry). Everyone can enjoy the journey of life with people that do not hate each other, but they will always help to make everybody worth it. In Haiti 59% of the population lives on less than $2.42 a day (Brown & Smith). Without much money to survive from the hurricane, the community is torn apart. Everyone in the community is struggling to help and stay happy because of the massive destruction. Also, The Giver states that the elders are in charge of the community so no one is being treated unfair (Lowry). Nobody in their community feels not wanted