The Glass Castle And Be True To Your School

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4. a. Discuss each of the books we read in terms of the personality theories we covered: What aspects of the various theories were illustrated in each book, and how would the characters/events in each book become more understandable through personality theory? Horney’s idea of neurotic needs is sought in Be True to Your School. Greene is searching for approval and affection from his classmates. He becomes dependent of other peoples’ ideas. Collective unconsciousness can be finds In My Hands following the incident where she witnessed the murder of a baby. Before this tragic event, Irene was completely into saving her family. After this incident, she extends her desire to saving her people. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is what Jeannette is trying to obtain throughout The Glass Castle. She tries desperately to gain love and affection from …show more content…

Esquith’s style is abstract and lacks much structure. He displayed tolerance for ambiguity and had different ideas to get to the same goal. He created a classroom where children are free to explore. Skinner’s theory of positive reinforcement can be found throughout Walden Two. Instead of being paid for their jobs, people earned labor credits. These credits could be used for anything are seen as tokens. In The Truth Machine, Jung’s shadow can be found. According to Jung, we all contain primitive instincts that we must learn to control. Randall loses control and the evil within announces itself when he murders Charles. Self-actualization is seen in Illusions. Don, the messiah, as discovered his maximum potential and is trying to pass on his knowledge to Richard. According to Maslow, to obtain self-actualization one must be free from the distraction of lower needs. Don is not even distracted by food. b. Briefly summarize your own reaction to each book, and state in not more than three sentences the most important learning you gained form each