The Glass Castle By Katherine R. Allen And Angela C. Henderson

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lIn the book “The Glass Castle” there are examples of many different Family Developmental periods, however I will discuss one that stuck out to me the most. Family development according to the textbook “Family Theories: Foundations and Application” by Katherine R. Allen and Angela C. Henderson is “a longitudinal process of going through a hierarchical system of age and stage related changes” (Allen & Henderson, 84). This means that as a family there are various stages at different ages that result in different changes. For example, this can be seen within the book The Glass Castle in many ways. One way that stuck out to me the most was when Lori and Jeannette are making plans to transition into adulthood. Transitioning into adulthood can be a scary process for immuring adults, however Lori and Jeannette where …show more content…

In the book Jeannette talks about the plan that they had come up with, she says, “I told Lori about my escape fund, the seventy-five dollars I’d saved. From now on, I said, it would be our joint fund. We’d take on extra work after school and put everything we earned into a piggy bank. Lori could take it to New York and use it to get established, so that by the time I arrived, everything would be set.” (Walls,223). This shows that the two children were planning to start transitioning into adulthood by making plans to become self-sufficient and head out on their own to make their own life. Within this transition that Lori and Jeannette are making there are both positive developmental aspects along with challenges experienced by their family. The positives are that the children are trying to live a better life away from the life that they are provided with from their parents. They are trying to make their own lives better by trying to escape from the situations of