The Global Roots Of Industrialization (795)

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The Industrial Revolution Begins
The Global Roots of Industrialization (794-795)
In Qing China, people saw that there was a correlation between the productivity of goods, and the population. The more productivity and new inventions, the more the population grew. China became the most prosperous country. Europe faced the opposite of what China was going through. They suffered from a huge population decrease, however, in 1700 they were able to recover from it. Europe’s population soared after the 1700 when they were introduced to useful and nutritious goods.

Great Britain: A Culture of Experimentation (795-796)
Europe prospered in times of the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution. This is because Europe was …show more content…

Samurai warriors were considered unemployed, so they would spend most of their days studying new finding in the botany, chemistry, and engineering. The main goal of Japan to adapt to the rest of the world and start industrializing was to be able to protect themselves from competitors. They did this through the development of industrial technologies, and military strength.

Economic Crisis and Solutions (804-805)
As a result of the expansion of the economy and industries, there was a lot of turmoil happening in the world. International markets fell into recession,which led to price of products skyrocketing. People often tried to find solutions to end the recession by doing things just as advancing the stock market, adding marginal expertise, and development of consumer capitalism. People were less susceptible buying expensive items, so stores often put out sales so consumers could start buying their product.

The Industrial Revolution and the World
The Slow Disintegration of Qing China …show more content…

Middle class men were all prosperous in an extent where they could afford to release their wives from working, and owning luxurious things. Prosperous men created a range of societies and clubs to uphold an exchange of knowledge amongst themselves. The coming of people working toward one goal of becoming wealthy in society is what united the middle class.

The New Working Class (813-815)
The working class were the people who worked in factories and industries. There was a lot of grueling labor in the factories because they were unsafe for workers. People were put through bad working conditions such as life threatening situations, injuries, and exhausting amounts of hours. Women and children were paid less than men, however, most of the wages were just enough to survive. Most of the working class people were strangers to one another because there were so many of industrial workers from different rural areas coming into the cities to work.

The Sexual Division of Labor