The Globalization Of Prostitution In New York

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The city of Amsterdam has been thriving for centuries now, both socially, economically and culturally. Amsterdam is a quite unique city ranging from all aspect including their sex markets, both for it resident’s and also their tourist. The city of Amsterdam is known for their famous Red-District, but surprising this city and changing and shaping the dynamic of the entire country of the Netherlands due to the sex trade that happen there along with other factors.The District/landscape and sexual venues are at odds with the ways that sexual spaces have been placed around the city. That has a lot to do with the globalization, which has led to exceeding mobile capital; increasing the market vulnerability along with the spatial competition. …show more content…

However, Its population is female dominated compared to men with a ratio of 9:1. Its reputation of legal sex work of course reaches around the world. This news brought in different countries that have sex work illegal to bring their “workers” to the Red-Light District. This outcome brings the fact that, clubs and windows were filled more with immigrant sex workers of Amsterdam then local residents. One reason the Red-Light district was created was to tackle the social problems brought by sex workers and their customers, But that took a damage was the city's image. That being said,Many problems could arose like the cities image when constructed from a certain vantage point favoring the high/middle class views constantly impacting the spatial claim of the lower minority groups. It aims to provide a framework regarding the nature of the city’s branding along with its gentrification and social exclusion by focusing on the famous red-light …show more content…

The reason behind that is an economical strategy made by the Red Light district. Both bringing work, as well as bringing in tourist revenue due to the increase in tourism to the Red-Light District. Just plainly due to the fact that more than half of the customers in this are foreigners that come from a different parts of the world. Every year prostitution and the popularity of the red light district brings in an average of 650 million euros for the city of Amsterdam from its 4 million visitors a year. One thing that has changed was the real estate market, “social mixing” caused for expensive homes in poor neighborhoods, this was brought upon by the government. This eventually making it almost impossible to obtain a housing mortgage after their recent financial crisis, meaning that people had many more restrictions in order to get a