Fra Aquinas Analysis

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Art is one of the widest spheres of human activity. Art can be used to achieve certain goals, such as making a visual record, seeing the world from new perspectives, creating or decorating objects and structures, and giving form to the immaterial. Artists however are not strict to follow a single goal, and can combine them. One of the samples in art can be seen through the work of Fra Andrea Pozzo. Fra Andrea Pozzo is an Italian artist. He was born in the city of Trento, and lived in the period of 1642-1709. His life was deeply connected with religion. He attended Jesuit High School and later became a member of the Jesuit Order as a lay brother. As a member of the Jesuit Order he participated in the decorating of many Jesuit churches. The artist was famous for his …show more content…

(p. 226). The fresco’s subject matter depicts welcoming of Saint Ignatius to heaven’s realm by the three Persons of the Trinity: The Father, Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. The work acts as a window to the sky that replaces the ceiling. Looking over it you see not a separate work but a part of something bigger. The ceiling does not exist anymore as fresco takes its place and opens the window to heaven’s realm. The only visible parts of the building are walls that go high up and are finished with columns and arches at the top. The entire piece of work can be divided into levels. At the lowest level closest to us, four groups of people are sitting on the ledges of the walls near the corners. The middle level is filled with angels. On the left side we see angels are greeting believers and followers of the religion. On the right side angels are punishing nonbelievers with javelins. On the highest level, on top of the angels, the three Persons of the Trinity: God Father, the Holy Spirit as a dove and Jesus Christ are meeting Saint