
The Goal For The Fight Against Terrorism In The United States

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Terrorism is a complex matter. Today’s terrorism is an asymmetrical warfare whose objective is to cause casualties, deaths, and economic downturn to countries, especially the United States (US) and its Western allies. In the past, terrorist groups were state entities sponsored by countries; meanwhile, the modern terrorist organization is networked and globalized entities with no formal hierarchical structure. These features make it difficult to fight with efficacy the modern terrorist groups, which merged time to time according to Howard and Hoffman (2012). What the US and its allies can do to stop or eliminate the Al Qaeda threat, the moral, ethical, and legal problems that might impede this objective, and how terrorism affects emergency management …show more content…

The goal for the fight against terrorism must be clear from the beginning; terrorism cannot be defeated (Howard & Hoffman, 2012). As the goal is set, what the US and its allies can do to counter with efficacy terrorism with the objective of reducing and controlling it? First, the United States and its allies must assess and allocate proportionally and accurately resources in their campaign against terrorism. For example, terrorism is not a traditional warfare, and means than can be used by police, special operations forces, Special Forces, and the intelligence are more required in the battle against terrorism rather than military means. Second, it will be helpful for the US to revise its National Security Act of 1949 by adapting it to the fight against the modern terrorism. As an example, it will be required to correct the inter-services rivalries and the inter-agency rivalries of all those involved in national security matters (Howard & Hoffman, 2012). Alexiev (2009) confirmed the validity of this disposition. Third, the US and its allies can use public diplomacy to infuse a counterterrorist ideology well accepted locally and that can help invigorate moderate Muslims against the extremists. This strategy can also weakens terrorist …show more content…

The campaign against terrorism is a very a lasting journey made of sacrifices. The Western Countries may be confronted to the falling of their reputation as peaceful democracies. This can bring them to loosen the grip on terrorism. Critics on terrorist mistreatments at Guantanamo Camp brought the US to revise some of the ways it monitors terrorists is an example of such a difficulty (Howard & Hoffman, 2012). Besides, multiple interventions in other countries are overwhelming for the US and the coalition because of international relation matters, and especially the sovereignty of most countries. For example, the US expedition that killed Osama Bin Laden was considered by some Pakistanis as a violation of Pakistan sovereignty and territory said Lee Hodgin (2014). Such dispositions make it hard for the US and its allies to cooperate with countries, which play double games in terrorist matters by protecting terrorists and at the same time willing to fight them. Laws governing international relations among countries prevent the US to fully fight terrorists in areas, where the local government does not want to cooperate. For instance, it has been difficult for the US to intervene in Sudan due to the hostility of its

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