The Golden Rule Christine Stevens Analysis

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The Golden Rule states to treat others “as we would like to be treated”, but Christine Stevens takes the maxim one step further to ask: what if another animal was in the dominant position, and would we, as humans, want said animal to treat us as it would like to be treated? God gave humans “dominion” over all animals so one could use them as helpers and as food, but humans use other humans as helpers just as animals use other animals as food. All living creatures roam the same God-given earth with the same, single creator. Humans are to respect all things just as much as God, for the world is a reflection of Him. Christine Stevens is correct in her thinking that the Golden Rule should apply not only to humans, but towards both the treatment …show more content…

Every day, there are hundreds of incidents where animals are abused, tortured, and taken advantage of by humans. Animals are bred for the sole purpose of profit in many cases, such as animal testing and use of animal goods. While those who eat animals should not be frowned upon, one should put in effort to purchasing animal goods that were humanely raised, and one should not support the buying of products produced by animals shoved into cages so small that it cannot turn around or even live comfortably. One recent example of this cruelty could be found within the Hermes fashion company, where baby alligators are slaughtered for the sole purpose of making a watchband to fulfill the vanity of humans. Humans are given authority over animals, but this does not allow anyone the power to abuse animals for the purposes of fulfilling vanity and making …show more content…

Animals and humans are both created by the same Creator, and he loves all of His creation equally. If one is truly created in God’s image, and he is to act in a way that reflects God, he should also respect and care for all He has given to him and not use animals in a way that solely benefits himself. Being given “dominion” is not a way to say that humans can do anything they please with animals, but rather it illustrates that humans are to protect and care for creation: a grand task. Christine Stevens’s idea that the Golden Rule should apply to animals as well as humans is correct, because one should respect all that God has given us equally as much as God