The Greasers Ethos Pathos Logos

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This title is not to be read as a coherent sentence but as a list of titles bequeathed upon groups of attendees at Smithtown Central Junior &High School. (I couldn’t figure out how to get the word Hippy in there.) I didn’t belong to any of these clubs, as many of us didn’t, but that’s what made these groups of kids stand out. They were the minority separate from the majority. Many just wanted to belong and be accepted and to be recognized as most kids yearned for. A lot of them didn’t have that at home with their families.* So…wear the uniform; learn the attitude and vibe, practice the secret hand shake and choose your bathroom – which became their club house — their headquarters.
• The Greasers: They were your Fonzie, Barbarino …show more content…

Its message of free love, and antiestablishment-ism was fading but not the Turn on, tune in, drop out message from the King of the counterculture-era…Timothy Leary, but maybe with the exception of “Tune in.” For some it became Turn on- Tune out. Instead of expanding their brains they were numbing them. They wanted to be anesthetized, not expanded. (At the time I was real naive of the drug culture. I didn’t partake…yet, and when I did it was strictly pot. I would tell people, “No thank you. I’m already on the edge and don’t need anything to push me over.) But, with that heavy shit I just laid on ya man, there was still plenty of Playground Drugs, with pot being the most popular. But back to the hard shit. There was this huge kid who had to be 350+ pounds and about six foot five tall. He was a huge teddy bear and the opposite of threatening. Real nice and real numb. He had very long unkempt hair and early sprouting facial hair, with overalls as his uniform. One time in the middle of a class he got out of his desk from the back of the class room and started walking uneasily towards the front of the room saying he had to leave. The teacher told him to sit back down. As the kid started to repeat that he had to leave his body said fuck it and collapsed. This mammoth kid crashed down, violently knocking over a desk and sent us in opposite directions. He landed on his back with

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