The Great Gatsby Blame Game Essay

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“The Great Gatsby” Blame Game In the romantic novel "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there is a guy named Nick who moves to West Egg (an area near New York), and he meets a guy named Gatsby. It turns out Gatsby is madly in love with his cousin Daisy (who happens to be married), and Nick helps them rekindle their love. But with all the events that are going to play out, Gatsby ends up dead at the end of the book. There are a lot of factors that played into his death, but there is one person to really blame for Gatsby’s death: Tom, Daisy's husband. The first reason Tom is to blame for Gatsby's death is because he made Gatsby feel like an outsider to other rich people making him unable to make friends. This is proved by Tom saying this “ “My God, I believe the man’s coming,” said Tom. “Doesn’t he know she doesn’t want him?” . . . “I wonder where in the devil he met Daisy. By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but women run around too much these days to suit me. They meet all kinds of crazy fish.” (Fitzgerald 103). This may seem trivial but the quote proves that Tom didn't like Gatsby from the jump. Some may say Gatsby didn't want to make friends and …show more content…

" "I told him the truth," he said. "He came to the door while we were getting ready to leave, and when I sent down word that we weren’t in he tried to force his way up-stairs. He was crazy enough to kill me if I hadn’t told him who owned the car. His hand was on a revolver in his pocket every minute he was in the house ——" " (Fitzgerald 178). Tom had set Gatsby up. Gatsby wasn't even driving that night; it was Daisy, but Gatsby took the bullet. Tom doesn't even have any remorse over having just killed a (mildly) innocent man. He just starts to complain about losing the women he cheated on his wife with. He just wants to play the victim, like this isn't all his