The Great Gatsby Research Paper

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“when u are worried about who u are supposed to be, u never get to learn who u are” Jomny Sun. The story The Great Gatsby by Francis Scott Fitzgerald is a story of a man whose identity is almost fully unknown to others, he's a man who lost the love of his life yet still loved her until she came back to him. Yet, tragedy still fell upon him as it always had. Gatsby is a character whose identity is hardly known by others, yet he knows to be true to himself and the woman he loves. The wealthy American dream, an embodiment of Gatsby whether gained or inherited, was the American dream, yet he was still unknown by the majority. A man wearing a mask of rumors. You see, Gatsby was a man who was very rich and always threw massive parties, but the people who intended his parties hardly even knew the man. Everything that was mentioned about Gatsby was just rumors. As stated in the book ‘“Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once.” A thrill passed over all of us. The three Mr. Mumbles bent forward and listened eagerly. “I don’t think it’s so much that,” argued Lucille skeptically; “it’s more that he was a German spy during the war”’ (33). These are but a few of the rumors mentioned about Gatsby, which show his identity in the eyes of others, as he is simply a man with a …show more content…

Gatsby is a man who has a haunting past, yet he was able to gain so much even from his humble beginnings through dedication and hard work. Although the way he gained so much wealth was through illegally selling alcohol, his hard work and pursuit of the American dream made him who he was. "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter — to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . a "(136)" - "(136)" This is a metaphor for the American dream in