The Great Gatsby Research Paper

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Eli Hanson Block 4 Mr. Millford 5-13-24 The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay The title of The Great Gatsby alludes that Jay Gatsby, the main focus of the narrator Nick Caraway, is a great man. The definition of great is “of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average.” Throughout the novel, Gatsby takes many actions that add to the discussion of his supposed greatness. Overall, as stated in the title, Gatsby is indeed great which is shown through his immense wealth, motivations in life, and character. Gatsby’s greatness is shown physically through his large estate and lavish parties. Gatsby’s wealth, by definition, is great. When first visiting Gatsby’s house, the main narrator and eventual close friend of Gatsby, …show more content…

These falsely supported ideas about Gatsby soon fall through when Nick meets Gatsby for the first time. Upon learning he was talking to Gatsby, Nick immediately remarks that Jay had “ of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life” (Fitzgerald, 1925, p. 52). Instantly, Gatsby’s appearance impacts Nick and makes an impression that Gatsby is a man of greatness, the type of person you only interact with a few times in life if you are lucky. Even Jordan Baker, a friend of Daisy’s who goes to Gatsby’s parties, is amazed by Gatsby after spending only an hour with him (Fitzgerald, 1925). Nick and Jordan interact with many people during the novel, especially during the parties at Gatsby’s house, though no one seems to stick in their mind with the same initial impression that Gatsby has. Compared to Jay Gatsby, everyone else is normal and less than extraordinary. This respect for Gatsby can be viewed as a product of his wealth and not as an aspect of greatness, as generally more successful people seem to leave greater impressions on