
The Great Gatsby Research Paper

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I truly believe that Jay Gatsby, from The Great Gatsby, deserves his title as great. Not much is known about his past except that he has not always come from money. In a way, he likes this secretive past. The only one Gatsby confides in is Nick Carraway, his neighbor and good friend. Yes, I believe Gatsby is a great man but I also think he is a great example of a tragic hero. His entire life revolves around Daisy, a married woman with whom he used to know. This girl is truly Gatsby's one weakness in life, one obstacle he could not overcome no matter how hard he tries. He has overcame being poor, and many other obstacles but it seems as if daisy is his true kryptonite in life. Out of everyone in the novel, Jay Gatsby shows the …show more content…

On the night Gatsby and Daisy race home in his yellow coop, Daisy is so distraught while driving, on account of the eventful night, she does not see Myrtle Wilson run in front of the car and they strike her down dead. Gatsby instantly takes blame for this event and knows that there will be severe consequences for this event. He will either be going to jail or someone would come after him to avenge the death. Nobody realises this was just an accident and because Gatsby never steps forwards to give his story, Tom takes it upon himself to take the ultimate revenge on Gatsby. He tarnishes Gatsby's character, his social status, and his chances of being with Daisy, now that he has been labeled a …show more content…

He had now been labeled and adulterer, murderer, and blamed for leaving the scene. Despite this, he still wants to be with Daisy more than anything. He hopes they can finally run away together and start a new life. This never happens though, Daisies true nature is finally revealed and it is heavily implied that she never loved him as much as he devoted himself to her. This is shown through her actions. With Gatsby's name now forever tarnished, she quietly ends her affair with him. All day Gatsby waited and waited for his lover to call, unbenounced to him that she has now abandoned him and her and Tom prepare to disappear from Long Island. As Gatsby anxiously waits for news from his beloved, his life savagely ends. George Wilson, Myrtle's now lifeless and exhausted husband, pulls out his gun and pops Gatsby in the back, straight through the heart, and Gatsby goes down with a smile on his face. I look at Gatsby being shot through the heart as a hidden message or symbol by the author. He loved Daisy so much, he is physically and also metaphorically shot in the heart by life and love. Daisy never attends the funeral for Gatsby and Daisy and Tom quietly leave Long Island

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