The Greensboro Sit-Ins: How Men And Women Changed America

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“I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.” To rationalize this quote, Many men and women changed America. There are some positive and negative effects on society, education, and voting. Blacks and whites were segregated, but in the following texts, it shows how they integrated and worked together to have equal rights. In the text, “The Greensboro Sit-Ins,” four young black men dined in at an all white restaurant. They created an non-violent protest against the Woolworth’s in downtown Greensboro. They became know as the “Greensboro four.” The four young men were tepid as they planned the protest, and they enlisted a white businessman to help carry their plan out. On February 1, 1960, the four men sat in at the lunch counter. Lucidly, the official policy was to “refuse service to anyone but whites.” However, the owners tried to abstain the young men from dining in, but the police weren't able to remove them because of the lack of provocation. The next day, they returned with more local college students. Blacks and …show more content…

On the other hand, In Montgomery AL, a 42-year-old woman was beaten because she refused to give up her seat. However, the bus rules were that the first ten seats were reserved for …show more content…

In the text, “Real History,” Linda Brown, an eight year old African American girl, wanted to attend an all white school only 5 blocks down from her house. However she had been denied and school officials assigned her to a non-white school 21 blocks away from her home. For this reason, her parents filed a lawsuit on the school. Not only did the brown decision reversed the imbecilic doctrine “separate but equal.” The court directed an end to segregation by race in schools across America. As evidenced by in the picture, “Alone in a Crowd,” Linda brown was escorted by three white men and two policemen to an all white