The Harmful Effects Of Rejection In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Rejection is like ripping the wings off a butterfly; you force the butterfly to live forever on the ground taking its innate ability to fly. Author, Mary Shelley, in her novel, Frankenstein, illustrates how Victor Frankenstein’s obsession with creating new life ends up destroying everything he loves. Shelley’s purpose is to highlight how the regressive effects of rejection can push someone into a maddening state. Through Shelley’s use of point of view, emotional reaction, and tone, I believe that Frankenstein’s creation should be pardon from all his crimes committed due to the mental state others pushed him into. The first instance where we learn about the monster is through Victor’s point of view; however, due to the monster’s constant acts of revenge, everything Victor says shows his hateful bias against the creation. Victor describes that “breathless horror and disgust” (Shelley, 59) filled him and that he was “Unable to …show more content…

The creature states that he was “grievously bruised by stones…” when encountering his second batch of human contact; furthermore, when finally approaching the cottagers, who he admired dearly, he proclaims, “[Felix] struck me violently with a stick.” Despite the countless times of rejection, the creature overall tone is still to persevere. The reader sees an innately good character being evolved into something negative due to an external stimulus. When he discovers that William, the boy who he wishes to befriend in an unnerving way, is related to Frankenstein his reaction was to “grasped his throat”. Overall the creature’s immoral actions were all formed from his underlying suffering that Victor first imposed; hence, when face to face with someone who has correlation to the creature’s initial suffer, his psyche was not rational and lead to his vengeful