The Health Belief Model And The Health Belief Model

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For as long as I can remember, I have not been a very healthy eater. One problem is I was never taught about nutrition, so honestly I do not know much about it. Another problem, is I am a very picky eater and therefore I do not like a lot of foods. A third problem is I am a college student eating off of a meal plan, consequently being a picky eater and only having certain foods to select from, makes it even more challenging to eat healthy. A fourth and final problem is I get stressed very easy, and when I am stressed, I like to eat and most of the time is it not healthy foods. However, I decided I need to put all of these problems aside, and start eating healthier. Therefore, this is my behavior change. I choose this as my behavior change, because in two of my colleges classes I am taking: health promotion and research methods, I have realized how important nutrition is from the papers I have written, and articles I have read. One of the things that I have found really important with nutrition is that if you do not eat right, you can become seriously ill.
With that being said, for my behavior change, I am going to focus on the Health Belief Model (HBM). The HBM was developed in the 1950s, and is an expectancy-value model (Rosenstock, 1974). The HBM postulates that when an individual perceives a threat from a disease (measured by the susceptibility to the disease and the severity of disease), and perceived benefits from preventive action exceed barriers then the individual

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