The Heart Research Paper

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The heart is one of many vital organs of the human body. To be more precise, the heart is a muscle about the size of a fist, that never rests (unless the person is dead) from working for the body. The purpose of the heart is to circulate oxygen carrying blood to parts throughout the human body, feeding the cells and keeping the person alive.

The heart circulates blood by “pumping” the blood throughout the body, noticeable by the beating. The process goes as follows; oxygen and nutrient deprived blood enters the right chamber of the heart, where the blood would then be pumped away to be refilled with oxygen. The new, oxygen and nutrient filled blood would then enter the opposite chamber on the other side of the heart where the blood would be …show more content…

The heart is also divided into two halves, with two chambers in each of them. The top, smaller chambers are called atriums, and the larger chambers below the atriums in the heart are called ventricles. In the heart, the chambers are used to separate the starved blood from the full blood. The oxygen deprived blood enters the right atrium via veins , and would then go to the right ventricle to be pumped to the lungs, where the full blood is then pumped into the left atrium, and would then go into the left ventricle, where the blood is then pumped back out throughout the …show more content…

The left atrium is one of two atria of the heart, and functions as receiving refilled/oxygenated blood, entering the heart from the lungs through the left coronary artery, which branches from the aorta. The left atrium pumps blood into the left ventricle, which would in turn pump the new, refilled blood back out into the body.

The right ventricle is one of the four main chambers in the heart, made of muscle, and is located below the right atrium. The right ventricle is also one of two ventricles in the heart, and functions as pumping the deoxygenated blood coming from the right atrium away to the lungs. In a normal heart, the right ventricle’s wall is less thick than that of the left ventricle. This is because the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs only, whereas the left ventricle has to pump blood throughout the entire body constantly. This means the right ventricle has less work and pressure than the left