The Help By Kathryn Stockett

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Title: The Help Author: Kathryn Stockett Type: Novel The Helps main character Skeeter was a young women who belonged to a rich white family, who had hired numerous African Americans to work on their cotton fields and indoors. Skeeters dream was to become a writer, however she was at odds with her mother who believed that getting married has far more importance. To achieve her goal as a successful writer she has to ensure the story that she writes has a massive impact on the readers, so to do this she decides to produce a story called Help about the African Americans and their views on the people that they worked for during this time in the 1969s. Skeeter wanted to show her own race being white, that the African American people are not inferior to them and they should be treated fairly, and everyone should be treated equally. …show more content…

I gained a better understanding of the situation during the 1960s and the way black women were treated and looked down upon. Hilly Holbrook wanted separate bathrooms for the African Americans this shows them not being equal. Holly said, It was shocking to hear, that eventhough the maids did practically everything for their employers, from raising their children like Aibeleen raised Mrs. Leefolt’s two year old daughter Mae Mobley who she left at the end of the novel which nearly had me in to tears, to the general household duties that it was described that their position in the household was “only slightly higher than the household pets”. I just wanted to be able to climb into that book and scream at them for saying that. Unfortunately, African Americans are still treated unfairly occasionally from some people and racism is still in today's society, but I am glad that this is not regarded as normal for everyone, which it was back in that