The Hero's Journey In Monsters, And The Alchemist

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The hero's journey is a classic narrative pattern that has appeared in stories and myths across cultures and ages. It involves a hero who embarks on a journey, faces challenges and obstacles, and ultimately brings about a change in their life. Two texts that explore the hero's journey are "Monsters" and "The Alchemist."

In "Monsters," the main character Sully embarks on a journey to help a young human girl, Boo, return home. This journey represents the hero's departure from their ordinary world, as Sully leaves the familiar world of the factory to venture into the unknown world beyond the door. Along the way, he faces challenges and obstacles, including confrontations with other monsters and his own fears and doubts. This stage of the hero's journey, known as the road of trials, tests the hero's mettle and helps them grow and develop. Sully is aided by allies such as Mike and the other monsters, who help him navigate the two worlds of the factory and the human world beyond the door. These allies, who represent the helping and threshold figures of the hero's journey, offer guidance and support to the hero. …show more content…

This change, which represents the hero's resurrection and return, marks the end of the hero's journey and signifies their growth and transformation. Sully's journey in "Monsters" is a clear example of the hero's journey, as it includes all the key elements of departure, initiation, allies and helpers, and