The History Of Animal Cruelty

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What is animal cruelty? Why should someone care about how animals are treated? Why is animal abuse a major concern? How are animals abused? These questions are frequently asked, and many people do not know the answer to them. Animals are regularly abused for people 's’ gratification, and no one even notices. The history of animal cruelty involves abuse in the entertainment, science, and fashion industries. Animal cruelty is when someone hurts an animal, whether it be deliberate or negligent. Animal cruelty can be a range of behaviors, from neglect to malicious killing. Animal cruelty is also regularly called animal abuse or neglect. There are many reasons that can explain why someone would abuse an animal: they do not understand that it causes …show more content…

However, animals have minimal rights, as under most state and federal law animals are considered property. The basic anti cruelty laws require that animals are provided with basic needs and treated humanely, unless it is necessary or justifiable to deny them food, water, or shelter. However, many people do not understand how denying an animal basic rights is “justifiable”. In Ohio, cruelty to animals is defined as “torture an animal, deprive one of necessary sustenance, unnecessarily or cruelly beat, needlessly mutilate or kill, or impound or confine an animal without supplying it during such confinement with a sufficient quantity of good wholesome food and water; affording it access to shelter; carry or convey an animal in a cruel or inhumane] manner” (Animal Cruelty Laws By State). Cruelty to animals is a second degree Misdemeanor with a fine up to 750 dollars and/or imprisonment up to ninety days (Animal Cruelty Laws By …show more content…

In circuses, animals travel city to city for months without stopping. While traveling, food, water, and veterinary care are often inadequate. Most circus animals are large mammals that are kept in filthy, cramped cages, only to be let out to perform. These animals are repeatedly abused, multiple times a day, for people’s entertainment and satisfaction. Elephants are kept in shackles that prevent them from moving in any direction, prisoners in their own cage. Primates like baboons, monkeys, and chimpanzees are left in solitary, when in their natural habitat they live in sizeable groups. Many fall into depression and eventually die without living a full life. Wild animals do not naturally jump through flaming hoops of fire or stand on their hunches and give people high-fives. Animals are forced to do these “acts” by being whipped bloody, electrocuted, beat with bullhooks, and wearing tight muzzles. Trainers drug wild animals to make them manageable. How do people not see this is wrong (Circuses: Three Rings of