Animal Abuse In Idaho

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Animal Abuse
Cruelty to animal happens when someone is hurting an animal and does not feed ir or give it water. Animals are being abused every day and it is happening everywhere. Even just neglecting a pet is abuse to the animal. People who abuse poor animals are most likely also being violent with their families at home. Animal abuse is in entertainment as well. In dog fighting, people bet on the animal to see which dog will come out alive. The meat producing industry also has people releasing videos of animals being kicked, burned, and tortured to death. This is all justified because the community gets meat . The laws exist in Idaho are different from other states in the United States. Animals have been living such a horrible life, and …show more content…

In the state of Idaho, animal cruelty is not taken as seriously as it should be. When a case is of animal abuse is reported, the person must provide physical proof of the abuse or neglect. Without concrete evidence, official charges can not be made against the owner of the animal. Idaho is one of the states that does not take animal abuse as serious as dog fighting. Dog fighting is taken more passionately because it is defend as streetfighting. Cases of animal abuse do not get a lot of attention because the officers do not have enough training on how to handle the situation. The article “Idaho’s Animal Cruelty Laws Fall Short” confirms this fact when it reported, “Animal cruelty is going on everywhere in the state and, in the past, law enforcement did not act on it unless they were sure they had a rock-solid case” (Kauffman). Many people believe that animal laws in Idaho should be rewritten because owners still get possession of the animal that they were abusing. This is true even if there is an eye-witness to the abuse. Even though idaho hasn't pass a law abusing animals there is other states in the United States are taking more serious. Even though Idaho has not pass a law against abusing animals, there are other states in the United States that are taking this issue more seriously. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is now taking some of this cases as a serious crime and helping the animals win. Thirteen states including washington D.C, are even considering the neglect of an animal as a felony neglecting an animal as a felony. Animals are getting justice in most states, and Idaho need to keep up with these