Animal Cruelty

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Animal Cruelty and Captivity
Animals kept in zoos aquariums, and circuses are treated poorly by humans and inevitably suffer from disease, pain, starvation, and fear so they will perform seamlessly for the public. Animals are forced by their owners to carry out pointless tricks and performances and are almost always deprived of their normal behavior (Aquariums and Marine Parks). Animals are ripped away from their families and out of their natural habitat by zoo, aquarium, and circus workers and usually do not live their full lifespan due to the mental and physical abuse that comes from the captive place they reside in (Aquariums and Marine Parks). They are injected with various drugs because their unnatural behavior interferes with the entertainment they are meant to perform. Animals do not belong in tanks, cages, or exhibits and should not be treated with such poor care and neglect. People should not visit zoos, aquariums, or circuses.
Wild orcas and dolphins spend their life swimming far distances every day and when in captivity, they are only allowed to swim in tiny circles (Aquariums and Marine Parks). These two animals communicate and navigate with one another by echolocation. When placed in an arena with restricted walls the vibrations from their calls bounce off the pools glass and drive the sea animals insane (Aquariums and Marine Parks). Being in a small pool or tank impairs the animal’s mental health and affects their physical health as well. Some orcas break